A small festival that thought big from the start, and that big it really became.
82.828 attendance, 326.163 views, 3 Nobel Prizes, 31 conferences, 17 shows, 151 workshops
83.143 attendance, 323.727 views, 2 Nobel Prizes, 35 conferences, 140 workshops, 1 virtual tour
74.676 attendance, 250.114 views, 2 Nobel Prizes, 6 virtual tours, 1 exhibit
40.000 attendance, 107.000 views, 1 Nobel Prize, 8 virtual tour, 2 exhibits
594.191 views, 5 Nobel Prize, 1 Oscar Award, 2 IG-Nobel Prize, 6 virtual tour
137.300 attendance, 267 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 65 schools, 5.750 volunteers
133.689 attendance, 180 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 64 schools, 5.351 volunteers
153.141 attendance, 222 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 57 schools, 3.320 volunteers
152.600 attendance, 191 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 50 schools, 3.820 volunteers
145.413 attendance, 191 events, 3 Nobel Prize, 37 schools, 4.176 volunteers
152.069 attendance, 178 events, 2 Nobel Prize, 37 schools, 5.435 volunteers
147.351 attendance, 235 events, 3 Nobel Prize, 38 schools, 3.184 volunteers
123.900 attendance, 184 events, 3 Nobel Prize, 31 schools, 2.646 volunteers
117.611 attendance, 211 events, 2 Nobel Prize, 30 schools, 3.222 volunteers
99.465 attendance, 189 events, 2 Nobel Prize, 28 schools, 2.220 volunteers
87.176 attendance, 124 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 19 schools, 1.705 volunteers
72.000 attendance, 106 events, 106 relatori, 6 schools, 1.404 volunteers
75.000 attendance, 94 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 7 schools, 1.486 volunteers
65.000 attendance, 64 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 3 schools, 750 volunteers
61.000 attendance, 43 events, 60 relatori, 15.000 students, 446 volunteers
35.000 attendance, 20 events, 1 Nobel Prize, 5.000 students, 80 volunteers
3.000 attendance, 2 conferences, 1 exhibit